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4005 Dwarf Eaters (40)


WooW.That wos mine first expresion when i opend smaal package that came to my today;)This miniatures are AMAZING...Well sculped and detailed.Not hard to paint as they are nicely done.They are not tiny15mm but bit biger 15mm scale;)Thsnks to that they are easier to paint.This Orcs Dwarf Eaters are awsome.I know naw the i need to get rest of Demonworld Range as well....Cos its perfect for collectors like me and for those who wont to fild army made from SUPERB models in really Good price...Sory for messy reviev as im not English mine language mey not be perfect.For All who read that.If You are thinking about getting some of this models for some skirmish or you are looking for miniatures to complet army large battle..BUY DEMONWORLD MINIATURES THEY ARE WORTH OF EVERY PENNY.
Date Added: 10/21/2011 by Klaudiusz Rozycki