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The Empire

Premium 15mm Fantasy Miniatures
The miniatures are not supplied with hex bases- they are available separately.

Product Image Item Name- Price
4122 Rangers (40)

4122 Rangers (40)

two different rnagers with a leader. 40 models.


4122A Rangers (10)

4122A Rangers (10)

two different rangers with a leader. 10 models.


4123 Horse Archers (20)

4123 Horse Archers (20)

2 different horses, 2 different riders and a leader. 20 cavalry models.


4123A Horse Archers (5)

4123A Horse Archers (5)

2 each of the different cavalry models plus the leader from pack 4123


4124 Bull Herd (16)

4124 Bull Herd (16)

two different bulls plus a mounted herder. 16 models.


4124A Bulls (4)

4124A Bulls (4)

2 each of the 2 different bulls from pack 4124. 4 models.


4125 Druid Coven with Sprites

4125 Druid Coven with Sprites

A coven of 12 druids, including leader, 4 forest sprites and a multi-part tree elemental


4125A Sprites (4)

4125A Sprites (4)

4 sprites from pack 4125


4126 Mammoth Hunters (16 plus leader)

4126 Mammoth Hunters (16 plus leader)

16 pairs of two barbarians armed with a sharpened stake- these are single piece models, accompanied by a leader- 17 models in total, 33 troops


4126A Mammoth Hunters (5)

4126A Mammoth Hunters (5)

5 mammoth hunter pairs from pack 4126- (10 troops in total as 5 one piece castings)


4127 Rolling Fortress with Flamethrower

4127 Rolling Fortress with Flamethrower

Rolling Fortress with flamethrower drawn by four oxen. Multi-part kit.


4128 Rolling Fortress with Longbowmen

4128 Rolling Fortress with Longbowmen

Rolling Fortress with 4 longbowmen, drawn by a team of oxen. Multi part kit.


4129 Cannon with crew

4129 Cannon with crew

Empire cannon with 3 crew and accessories (powder shovel, chest, bucket and pile of cannonballs)


4130 Mortar with crew

4130 Mortar with crew

Empire mortar with 3 crew and accessories


4132 Empire Mounted Commanders (3)

4132 Empire Mounted Commanders (3)

3 mounted figures
